How the CEO of Destiny Robotics Created a Unique Platform for Robotics Researchers

Would you believe us if we told you that there’s a unique and dedicated platform for robotics researchers and enthusiasts? Sounds too good to be true, right? Enter: Destiny Research.

Destiny Research is the brainchild of Megi Kavtaradze, the CEO of Destiny Robotics. The platform, an integral part of the Destiny Robotics website, enables hundreds of students worldwide to actively contribute to the development of AI and robotics. This research-driven and learner-centric platform is all about robotics, AI, and futuristic innovations. Interestingly, it is being driven by a young and dynamic team passionate about all things technology.

How Destiny Research Came to Be

Contrary to popular opinion, publishing articles in scientific papers is not the only way to contribute to the field, says Megi. She further explains: “The publishing process can turn out to be a nightmare for students as it is a fairly expensive and long-drawn process. Contributors typically need to endure a long waiting process to get accepted. This is why Destiny Robotics is gathering tech-passionate individuals to be at the top of the robotics game.” This platform enables tech students to intern with Destiny Robotics and write and publish their work—the likes of which are unheard of within this field. Needless to say, this is a huge contribution to the field.

Megi’s other contributions include:

  • Establishing the robotics company Destiny Robotics to create the world’s first socially-intelligent humanoid robot
  • Finalizing the research paper on the humanoid robot’s role and influence within the automation sector
  • Supporting—and empowering—students and AI enthusiasts to learn and contribute to robotics research by establishing a nonprofit publishing platform via Destiny Robotics
  • Co-founding “AI2027,”—the largest AI Summit in Miami, which gathers around 1000 tech leaders and executives to discuss and develop AI and robotics solutions

The Platform’s Achievements: At a Glance

This brand new platform is driven by interns, making it one-of-a-kind. Boasting of 100+ applicants, the platform doubles up as a safe, community-driven place for potential contributors who wish to leave a mark within the robotics and automation industry. If you’ve got something to say about technology, Megi’s team is all ears. Head over to the platform and acclimatize yourself to the world of robotics at the click of a button!

About Destiny Robotics

Destiny Robotics is an AI and robotics company working towards creating socially intelligent humanoid robots for mass consumption in the long run. The brand’s end goal is to take AI from being able to do only specific tasks to becoming more general in task execution.

By merging Artificial General Intelligence with Humanoid Robots, every company, big or small, can build robots at scale. All in all, the brand aspires to allow everyone to be able to use next-generation robotics tools. Solving the intensely complex human-to-robot interaction issues, offering a unique humanoid hologram device for users, and now developing robots, it goes without saying that the sky is the limit for this Georgian woman.

You can connect with her at [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

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