Key Differences Between MCB and RCCB: A Comprehensive Guide by CHINT

As a well-known worldwide pioneer in electrical equipment, CHINT is committed to offering cutting-edge solutions for effective and secure power distribution. Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) and residual current circuit breakers (RCCB), two essential components for electrical safety, are among its wide variety of products.

Sensitivity and Reaction Time

One of the key differences between RCCB vs. MCB lies in their sensitivity to current fluctuations. MCBs are designed to protect circuits from overloads and short circuits but are not as sensitive as RCCBs. Typically, an MCB can take a few milliseconds to trip, which may not be sufficient in certain situations. In contrast, RCCBs offer higher sensitivity and respond much faster, tripping within 20 milliseconds. This rapid reaction time makes RCCBs essential for preventing electrical shocks and fire hazards caused by earth faults.

Configuration and Ratings

Another aspect to consider in the RCCB vs. MCB discussion is their configuration and ratings. MCBs are available in various configurations, including single-pole, two-pole, and four-pole systems, making them versatile for different applications. On the other hand, RCCBs are generally limited to double-pole and four-pole systems. In terms of ratings, MCBs can handle currents between 6A to 125A, such as CHINT’s NXB-40 Miniature Circuit Breaker, which offers ratings from 6A to 40A. Conversely, RCCBs come with trip sensitivities of 300mA, 100mA, 30mA, and 10mA, catering to specific safety requirements.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between MCB and RCCB is essential for making informed decisions about electrical safety. CHINT emphasizes that while MCBs are effective for overload protection, RCCBs provide critical protection against earth faults. Choosing the right device depends on the specific safety needs of an electrical installation, highlighting the importance of both in modern power systems.


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